About the department

The DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PHYSICS, which belongs to the Laboratory Sector of the Medical Service, deals with all applications of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, is responsible for Radiation Protection issues and is active in applications of Radiation Physics of Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Diagnostics.

The Radio physicists of the MEDICAL PHYSICS DEPARTMENT carry out the quality control of all ionizing radiation machines of the above departments and are fully equipped with dosimetry and quality control instruments, as provided by the current legislation.

In the context of optimization and quality assurance, they are responsible for dosimetry of employees and patients, carry out treatment planning plans, supervise compliance with radiation protection regulations and provide advice on the introduction of new complex techniques and the procurement of modern equipment. Together with the Directors of the respective departments, they are responsible to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (G.A.E.C.) on radiation protection issues.

Medical physics experts

Makridou Anna, MSc,PhD

Head of the Department

Hatzimarkou Michael


Aliberti Maria


Zoglopitou Lydia


Physicists of Medicine

Vatalis Anastasios


Konstantinidou Stavroula


Lizos Florentinos

MSc, PhD

Papalaskari Roula-Argiri


Special Units

The department according to the needs of the hospital is divided into 3 areas of activity:

1) Radiophysics Unit of the Radiotherapy Oncology Clinic and Radiotherapy Planning, located at -1 of the Hospital.
2) Radiophysics Unit of Nuclear Medicine, treatment planning and PET/CT, located on the ground floor of the Hospital.
3) Radiophysics Unit of Radiation Diagnostics and Imaging, located on the ground floor of the Hospital.


The main services of the Medical Physics Laboratory can be categorized as:

Quality assurance services
  • Testing for acceptance and safe operation of new equipment.
  • Periodic quality assurance checks according to the necessity for each unit and the specifications of national and international control protocols
Diagnostic and therapeutic services
  • Dosimetry of staff, patients, premises and machinery.
  • Selection of appropriate state-of-the-art equipment and systematic control of such equipment.
  • Safe use of units and control of exposure with appropriate radiation meters.
  • Design of appropriate shielding.
  • Safe use and storage of radioactive substances and drainage of radioactive effluents outside the hospital.
  • Establishment of protocols for the prevention and management of radiological accidents and the decontamination of contaminated areas.
Diagnostic and therapeutic services
  • Creation and supervision of radiotherapy plans (teletherapy and brachytherapy).
  • Participation with the Nuclear Medicine Laboratory in the creation and testing of treatment and diagnostic protocols, as well as patient dosimetry.
  • Participation with the Laboratory of Radiation Diagnostics in the introduction and optimization of diagnostic protocols, patient dosimetry. Consulting services in the processing or quantification of medical images.
  • Radiation protection courses to students, nursing and medical staff.
  • Training of hospital staff in physics principles governing existing and new imaging and therapeutic techniques and radiation protection.
  • Practical training of physicists-radiophysicists with a postgraduate specialization in medical physics.
  • Practical training for students of the Department of Physics

Continuous upgrading of techniques and participation in the introduction of new imaging and therapeutic protocols by collaborating with key scientists, the Department of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the postgraduate program in Medical Physics of the University of Patras and with a number of clinical specialties such as radiotherapists, radiologists, nuclear physicians and medical equipment technologists.

Operating schedule

The Medical Physics departments operate daily in morning hours 08:00-15:00 and all-day operation 15:00-20:00 according to the hospital’s schedule.