Hospital Infections Committee

About the Committee

The HIC is the only body responsible for the surveillance and control of hospital-acquired infections in hospitals. It establishes the Internal Regulations for the Prevention and Control of Infections and the action plan for the implementation of the corresponding policy and strategy for the treatment of antimicrobial resistance and the prevention of infections associated with the hospitalization of patients in healthcare facilities. Its operation is established by the MoA. Y1 PD. 114971/2014 (GG388/Β` 18.2.2014).

Establishment of the Hospital Infections Committee (HIC)

The ENL is established by the decision of the Board of Directors, following a recommendation of the Scientific Council, and is reconstituted every 4 years. It is composed of representatives of all departments and directorates of the hospital. Its main members are the chairman, the vice-chairman, and the infection control nurses who form the WORK AND INTERVENTION TEAM.

Work and responsibilities of the ENL

  1. Monitoring and recording of hospital-acquired infections.
  2. Evaluation of prevention measures and redefinition of procedures and protocols to reduce transmission and spread of hospital pathogens and proper use of antibiotics.
  3. Continuous oversight of the implementation of the universal application of control and prevention measures for hospital-acquired infections.
  4.  Dealing with epidemic outbreaks and emergencies on a planned basis.
  5. Mandatory ongoing training of all health professionals in the hospital in the implementation of measures for the prevention and control of hospital-acquired infections and hospital physicians in the rational use of antibiotics.
  6. Communication and collaboration with central bodies such as the Ministry of Health, the National Committee for the Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Expenditure and the implementation of therapeutic prescription protocols, and the EODY.
  7. Setting specific measurable annual targets for each infection control indicator with the collaboration of all staff involved and submitting them to the Hospital Management for approval.
  8. Preparation of an annual financial budget and report on hospital infection prevention.
  9. Evaluation of the contribution of health professionals in promoting infection control activities.
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