About the library

The Theagenio Medical Library has been operating since 1973 and its purpose is to provide evidence-based, timely and valid scientific information to the entire hospital community, supporting and promoting the clinical, research and educational purposes of the hospital.

The library is a member of the National Network of Science and Technology Libraries and participates with its materials in the National Documentation Centre’s Collective Catalogue of Journals.

For the articles that are not found in the library’s collection, they can be ordered from other libraries in the country through the National Network of Scientific and Technological Libraries and from the Copy Services of Scientific Articles of the Association of Greek Academic Libraries (NILDE HEAL-LINK).

It also enables its users to have free access to electronic books and journals from Elsevier with the Annual Institutional Subscription ClinicalKey® in seven subject areas:

1. Hematology, Oncology & Palliative Medicine Package
2. Pathology Extended Package
3. Radiology Extended Package
4. Cardiovascular Disease Extended Package
5. Gastroenterology & hepatology package
6. Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism package

The library is not a lending library, it serves its users by producing photocopies of its material and by sending the article to their e-mail address. Users can retrieve information related to medical literature from the 4 computers in the library which have access to the internet.


The library serves the public from: Monday – Friday: 8.00am – 2.00pm.


Contact telephone numbers

2310 898205 and 2310 898206




Al. 2 Al. Simeonidis, Thessaloniki 546 39


Aklasi Maria TE Librarian